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Reflections from the President

Dear SAVIR Members and Partners,

In my recent editorial comments published in Injury Prevention (, I shared my thoughts about the mission of SAVIR and major initiatives approved by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

I noted that “Now is a challenging time which has become complicated by geopolitics, the infodemic on internet and social media, rising firearm injuries, preventable opioid-related deaths, mental health issues and suicides that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and inadequate funding for violence and injury control and research.” Many of us are facing ongoing challenges in violence and injury prevention (likely even more than I mentioned), but I am optimistic that by working together under the banner of SAVIR, we will significantly contribute toward global efforts to make a healthier and safer world.

The key to our future success in implementing these major initiatives is the active participation of SAVIR members. I therefore encourage you to learn more about these initiatives, engage in our activities, and share with us your thoughts and suggestions about how SAVIR could become a world leader in violence and injury prevention and research. 

 I am excited about the next SAVIR annual conference, which will be held in Denver, Colorado from April 17-19, 2023. I would like to thank the conference planning committee and the host site for their hard work to plan for a wonderful annual meeting. The SAVIR annual meeting will be a great place for researchers and professionals to share their latest science and injury prevention programs. It’s also a great opportunity to meet your colleagues and friends to explore collaborative opportunities. Please plan for abstract submission and encourage your colleagues to attend the conference.

I wish you all a wonderful summer!

Yours sincerely,

 Henry Xiang, MD, MPH, PhD, MBA


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